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medicare supplements 

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When turning 65 you have the option to enroll into the Medicare System. This can save you Hundreds and sometimes Thousands of dollars per month. Choosing the right fit for your needs and budget can be hard and confusing if not explained to you properly. The ads on TV, the mail pilling up on the kitchen table can be a bit overwhelming. You have multiple options but the difficult choices really only fall into 2 very different categories. 

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Medicare Supplement vs. Medicare Advantage Plans 


When turning 65 and shopping for coverage that fits your needs there are only 2 categories of choices: Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage Plans.


With a Medicare Supplement Plan your cost of care over time will be substantially lower than an advantage plan, although your monthly premiums may be a bit higher you will still be saving a substantial amount of money each month. Medicare Supplement Plans cover more than a Medicare Advantage Plans would if you actually need care. 

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Which Medicare Supplement is best for you?


The Medicare Supplements Plans range from A through N. There are many carriers that offer Medicare Supplement Plans. They are all government regulated so they offer all the same stuff. Every Medicare Supplement is a hybrid of THE F PLAN. The F plan covers 100% coverage of all Medicare covered costs. Average cost for these plans are less than $200/month.


Medicare Supplement F Covers 100% COVERAGE 

  • Any Hospital 

  • Any Doctor 

  • Any Specialist 

  • Anywhere in the country 

  • No referrals needed 

  • Zero Copay 

  • Zero Deductible 

  • Ability to stay in the hospital for 365 days straight for Zero dollars

How do I qualify for a Medicare Supplement? 


When enrolling into Medicare you also need to enroll into Medicare Part A & B. A is free for people who have worked 10 years in the US. B is currently hovering around $140/ month which can be taken out of your social security or if you are deferring your social security you can pay through automatic debiting of checking, etc.


The great part about turning 65 and entering into a Medicare Supplement Plan is that there are no health requirements. You have the window of opportunity to get the best coverage in the world without taking a physical! 

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