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Without the Fees and Risk

Friends Eating Dinner
Family at a Beach
Smiling Mature Woman with Gray Hair
Elderly Couple Practising Yoga
Dancing Couple
Bride and Groom
Mature Couple Showing Affection

Positioning Yourself for the

21st Century

When planning your future there are many factors to carefully consider. Health Care costs, Growth , Asset Protection, Retirement Income and Legacy. 

Retirement Planning is financial planning for the future. The very near future. 

Consider how different the world was in the 1970's when 401k's were introduced. There was no internet; DVD's and cell phones had not been invented yet. Social networks, emails, and websites did not exist. People called each other on landlines on a wired telephone. Most people kept one job or spent their lives in one career or profession and retired with pensions.

The reality of our lives are different now. Given the new world we are facing in the 21st century, what we've done in the past isn't going to work in the future; or the present for that matter. We need to be open to improvements and proactive strategy changes. The key to effective change is to be open to new ideas. Common financial advice is routed in the past. 

Common financial advice is a strategy that looks behind us for "past performance" of the stock market in a 401k or Mutual Fund as a predictor to future growth;but when you read the fine print on your statement, it states "future results are not indicative of past results". The stock market has always been volatile but we now live in an era of the internet, social media, and 24 hour news cycles that allow instant communication of world events. Markets react with lightning speed to political events, world news, and economic circumstances. We live in a world of accelerating change through communication. Despite all these conditions that we never before had, the basic rule of thumb for common financial advice is to "stay in the market and ride it out". This is the old way of thinking and we have established new strategies that are sound no matter what market changes occur.

Social Security &

Rising National Debt 

As of the 11th of January 2011, approximately 10,000 baby boomers per day were eligible to draw from Social Security Benefits. This volume of recipients is unprecedented and estimated to continue to increase for the next 20 years! Let me repeat that, that's 73 million Americans applying for Social Security Benefits, not to mention other federal sponsored programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security amount to 42% of the entire federal budget. These three programs are over-committed and underfunded. 

In addition, our National Debt is at 17 Trillion dollars and growing. Remember WE supply money to pay for these programs, via taxes. Reducing the debt load of our nations programs will, 100%, require increased taxes. Who will be paying these bills in the future? We will, and our children's children will. This means that if you are currently paying into a 401k or contributing to a qualified plan, you will be paying future tax rates on the funds you take out in the future. Not only do we not know what future tax rates are going to be, but your 401k plan or other qualified plan actually promises nothing with respect to a retirement benefit from your company. 

Moving Forward with

Better Solutions. 

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to reach financial independence on a relatively modest income. You don't have to be a billionaire to reach a place where you are worry free about whether your money will be there when you need it; now or for retirement. Instead of focusing on the "perfect financial product" you need to focus on your lifetime financial goals and improving your own financial knowledge so that you are in control of your future. There is nothing that can replace applied knowledge. Do you think your financial future is important?

When planning your future there are many factors to carefully consider. Health Care costs, Growth , Asset Protection, Retirement Income and Legacy. 

Retirement Planning is financial planning for the future. The very near future. Our Strategies are tailored for the "New Normal", Growth, Safety, and Protection for today and tomorrow. 

Client Question: Is it possible to keep my money safe and get a lifetime guaranteed income, at the same time?


Our Answer: YES

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